Energy and National Security

I am fortunate enough to be spending a few days at the Kennedy School at Harvard as part of the Kennedy School’s program for Senior Executives for National and International Security.

One of the lectures we listened to today was on the role of energy in our national security policy and how energy transitions from carbon-based approaches to more sustainable energy will impact both global economies as well as the underlying fabric of global security

The US and our allies and partners need to think strongly about what a world looks like where oil is not a baseline power source.

What happens when that political and policy lever is not in play for global decision-makers. What does that look like, and what investments are leaders making now to ensure decision space in that new market?

This blog represents my personal views and does not represent the views of any element of the US Government or my views as a US Government employee.

Bitter Rivals – Iran and Saudi Arabia and the dynamics in the Middle East

Bitter Rivals – Iran versus Saudi Arabia

Successful international leaders in the private-sector, public-sector, and non-profit sector must fully understand the environment they and their organization operate in.  This is hard work and requires consistent dedicated study and focus – especially in the Middle East. 

Leaders in the region need to understand the synergistic effects of the political environment, the business environment, the social dynamics, and the religious and tribal dynamics – just to name a few.  All of these elements are critical to understanding context – perhaps none so much as the religious and tribal elements together.

PBSs’ Frontline recently did a two-part piece entitled “Bitter Rivals”.  This outstanding series lays out for the viewer the dynamics between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Iran.  At its core, the series unpacks the centuries-long dynamics between Shia and Sunni Muslims.  I found it a must watch for anyone working in that region or wanting too.

The link to this program can be found here.  PBS FrontLine