The Leader’s Playbook-12: “Start with Why…”

Many of you have reached out to me via DM over the last few weeks and asked “why” I am writing and posting more this year.  I really appreciate the questions. 

The “why” is quite simple.  At the end of each year, I purposefully take some quiet time write out what things in my life I want to personally improve over the coming year.  One of my major goals this year is to improve my writing effectiveness, my writing efficiency, and to support that goal, write daily.  Writing daily and hitting “send” allows this to become a habit for me and I am honored so many of you took time to let me know your thoughts.

Simon Sinek is an outstanding author and one book that had a profound impression on me is his “Start with Why.”  I first realized the value of this great book when serving as the COO of a tech startup whose primary employee base was younger professionals.  While it may take an extra minute or two, starting with why, and gaining alignment and support, while explaining the reason for doing something goes a long way with people understanding where you are coming from.

So, thank you for all your messages and kind words and to Simon Sinek, thank you for your inspiration to me and to the incredible support to the Military and the Fighter Pilot community in particular.  You are a great American doing important things to improve leadership across the country with your writing.

The Author is currently serving as an active duty military officer. Any comments or recommendations on this post or on this site are solely my personal views and do not represent the position of any branch of the United States Government.

The Leader’s Playbook-6: “The Brotherhood of War”

They were waiting for him when he arrived. They had never met him before but despite their difference in service, he was unquestionably their Brother.

They were six US Navy SEAL Officers.  One, an O-6 US Navy Captain, the Commander.  A second, the operations officer, a Lieutenant Commander and the other four were brand new BUDS graduates… all on their first deployment.  All 1st LTs or JGs.

As he arrived, they met him at the ramp to the emergency room door.  They moved silently, three to a side, and they, not the medical team, carried him into the ER where they surrounded him as the Chaplain read him his last rights.

When the Chaplin was done the Operations Officer ordered a hand salute… then for the next sixteen hours in 120-degree heat the young, brand new BUDS graduates, on their first deployment, stood the watch over him until the C-130 came to bring him home to his Family for the final time… their lives changed forever.

There are no words to express how the Brotherhood of War really works. As a Nation, we could not be more lucky to have American’s who selfless leave their families to go to war to protect us all… and give it all… and the Brotherhood and Sisterhood that serves alongside them every step of the way.

God Bless you and your Family… and thank you all beyond words.

NSDQ! Long Live The Brotherhood.


The Leader’s Playbook-5: Taking the time to think

We live in an incredibly saturating world now.  Technology is wonderful, but at times can be overwhelming.

Literally, by the second we are faced with smartphones, cable TV, the internet, tablets etc.  The onslaught of available inputs is out of control.  It is impossible now to actually be bored – as long as you have a signal and battery life.

One of the things I’m working on now is trying to cut away from these things.  To turn off my cell phone, step away from the internet… and simply and purely find the time to think, focus, and concentrate.  To focus on the essential and the vital, and to understand what is really essential, and equally important what is not.  I’m blocking time each day to do this.

Time is the most valuable thing in life…  and for me, I certainly need to constantly remind myself to concentrate and focus on the most vital and essential things.  I have a lot of room for improvement!

Book recommendation: Greg McKeown’s book “Essentialism, The Disciplined Pursuit of Less”.