AVC and the “Butter Thesis”

I spend a lot of time every day reading and consuming information.

For years I have followed Fred Wilson’s “AVC” blog. Fred has been a VC since 1987 and is a Managing Partner at Union Square Ventures in NYC. I’ve learned a lot from Fred over the years and sincerely enjoy his writing.

I loved his blog today on “Butter” and the associated piece from his colleague Nick Grossman known as “The Butter Thesis” and wanted to pass it on. I highly recommend that you both read this blog and subscribe to both Fred’s blog and Nicks.

You can subscribe to Fred’s blog here: https://avc.com/subscribe/

You can read Fred’s blog from today here: https://avc.com/2019/12/butter/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AVc+%28A+VC%29

I’m currently on active duty as a US Military Officer. This blog represents my personal views and does not represent the views of any element of the US Government or my views as a US Government employee.